

Software Developer

Dream Planner | General Assembly

Worked with Django and React. Used Github, Slack and SCRUM for daily stand ups with the team. Created a dashboard with NPM and Tailwind.


Software Developer

Bloom | General Assembly

Worked with MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, React and Node. Worked on back end routes and front end routes with Mongoose CRUD


Lead Developer

Crypto Insights

Worked with SQL, Node/Express JS, CRUD, API, ORM, Models. Read coingecko’s API on the major crypto currencies


Lead Developer

Pokemon Battle | General Assembly

Worked with HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Github and Node. Used Dom Manipulation and arrays for data sets


Crypto & NFT Consultant


- Coordinated with multi-million dollar NFT projects on OpenSea. Guided Founders through the process of development, marketing, and art needs. Applied weekly scrums with team members to get to MVP


Business Development Manager


Generated over $50k in new business through onboarding new clients to the platform. Increased total $300 million in crypto assets under management. Communicated effectively with founders, developers and marketing team on a weekly basis

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